Glitch Text Generator

Make your text wild and fun!
Your generated nicknames will appear here…
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use of glitch text

Guide To Font

In the world of fascinating fonts, this font has its unique place. Glitch font is somehow different from other fonts. with this font, the viewer experiences strange effects in the text. Moreover, this font is still trendy with its weird or mysterious look, it amazes people with its ghostly appearance!

I’m using the word ‘weird‘ because the overall structure of the font is distorted, misaligned, warped, and overlapping. Its crazy and funny look brings innovation to your work. You can add this glitchy text to your posts or bios and amaze people with your smartness.

What Does This Tool Do

Our tool converts your input text into a mysterious appearance, often called Glitch or Zalgo text.

If your mind is questioning, “Why does this font look like this?” Well, the answer is actually funny. There is no deep science behind this! Glitch font format was created by scientists when some technical or digital errors in files and compilers blew their minds. By observing those corrupted files’ syntax, they added new fonts to the font dictionary that look like them. 


How The Glitch Text Generator Works

input Field
  • Type or paste text into the red search box.
  • As you can see variety of Glitch font showing below the box.
scroll area
  • Choose best one for your project or you can also click on “Load more font” button for more exploration.
  • Now simply just hit on copy button or on box of your favorite font.
copy font
  • Rewrite your text into any place by pasting it.
  • Get unlimited font for free. Joy and stay with us by sharing every moment .

Special Effects

Here, you can experience many characteristics in your text, such that:


In this style, letter may appear broken or fragmented. 


Font elements are combined in a random and disordered way.


  Multiple layers are added to your  text.


In certain fonts, the letters do not have a consistent look or alignment, resulting in a varied appearance.
Glitch text generator

Who Can Use This Font

Many artist and professionals use this font to convey a technical and artistic vibe in their projects. Social media users often include these fonts in their bios, post on platform like Facebook, Instagram,….because its unusual look leaves a last impression on viewers.

If you want to explore a variety of fonts, visit the font generator page.

Nowadays, Glitch text is using for many purposes, Such that:

Digital Art

Artists use glitch fonts to convey modernity and creativity in their artwork.

Web Design 

A modern and unique web design and interface can be designed through this distinctive font.

Graphic Design

  Graphic designers introduce a technical and aesthetic vibe to their projects by inspiring from these glitch fonts.

Film & Video games

   You have probably noticed glitch text in movie posters and game screens, featuring swapped, misaligned, or broken text..